Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What makes this Course So Different?

Most courses teach you chunks of grammar. Today you learn adverbs and qualifiers, tomorrow the subjunctive and the progressive the next day.. Most of the time, you're just confused.

You're not able to make free-flowing sentences, and if you do manage to speak at all it's stilted and unnatural.

This is an antiquated method of teaching and is grueling for the students. It's also horrible for the teachers. You'd be surprised how many teachers actually dislike grammar-based methods but it is part of the curriculum so they have to teach it.

What’s worse? Grammar-based methods usually fail.

If it was successful millions more people would be speaking Spanish as a second language. In reality very few people are able to communicate using their classroom Spanish.
If you have tried to learn Spanish and failed, it's not your fault. The problem is with the ineffective methods that you have been exposed to.

Studies show that these grammar-based methods fail 95% of the time.
Notice, it didn't say, "95% of people fail to learn Spanish".

It's the method that's failing. Not you!

Fortunately, there is an easier way.

Spanish words are usually taught using lists that are based on a theme. This is an easy and fast way to build a Spanish course but it is no good for learning to communicate.

Forget about it!

Why doesn't it work? Here's what happens with word lists. First day you learn words related to a theme e.g. animals. So you learn the Spanish words for goat, pig, donkey, horse, saddle, bridle, tiger, lion, zoo, etc.
Next day's theme is furniture: bed, sofa, table, chair, armchair, cupboard, toy box etc. If you learn 10 words a day then after three days 10+10+10 = 30 words.
Now you know 30 words. That’s better than 3 days ago, but can you go out and communicate in the Spanish world?

Not really.

What would you say? Dog cat armchair or pig saddle sofa?

"On the other hand, when you multiply Spanish 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 phrase combinations you can use at will to express yourself. The result is the difference between dog pig monkey vs. me gustaría verla esta noche (I would like to see her tonight.)"
By using combinations, you speak in real Spanish sentences in next to no time.

In fact, the example sentence is from lesson 3. You easily be making sentences like this and many more by lesson 3.
Best of all, you can finish lessons 1-3 in just a few hours.

This is the most powerful secret for your successful communication in Spanish.

Instead of learning thematic words-lists that make you sound like a cave man, you discover patterns that multiply Spanish. Then the words flow naturally into Spanish phrases you can use any time you want.

You Can't Possibly Fail, No Matter What Your Past Experience With Spanish.

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